INSTRUCTIONS FOR CDFX LUSTY LIMO 2 Remember you're here to have fun. Leave the driving to us. It may help to disable or turn off any screen savers you have before playing the game. They may pop up in the middle of playing and hang the game. Some buttons may not react to your mouse clicks while the characters are still speaking. The red button in the lower right hand corner of the screen is a panic button. Use it to hide images on the screen you don't want viewed by others. CAUTION the button may take a few seconds to react, don't wait for the last possible second to use it! Upon returning to the game the image may be "solarized" this is OK, the image will return to normal in the next frame. Windows 3.1 Place Lusty Limo CD in CD drive. Choose "Run" from the "File" menu. Enter the drive letter of your CD drive (usually "D") followed by a colon and then LL2.exe D:LL2.EXE enter or you can click the browse button and click your way to your CD drive. Then double click on LL2.exe Another way is to use the file manager to find the CD directory and double click on LL2.exe Alternate method, Open your file manager program, select the CD drive. Double click on LL2.exe Windows 95 After your system is running place the CD in the CD drive. Then double click on the "My Computer" icon on the desktop. A window showing all your disk drives should appear on your desktop. Now double click on the CD drive Icon. Now double click on the LL2.exe icon. Mac Place the LL2.2 CD into the drive, The CD ROM Icon will appear on you desktop. Double click on the CD and then double click on the Projector Icon called Lusty Limo 2.2 Enjoy the ride. Have a great time. For technical support there is a number in the printed documentation. Call and leave a voice message for tech support, along with your phone and fax numbers, a support technician will return the call ASAP. CDFX Inc.